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The Philanthropic Arm of Fullerton Markets
Despite the busy schedule of their Vietnam business trip, our Chairman, Mario Singh, and CEO, Rahul Sodhy, did not forget to give back to society. Together with our local team, they visited the Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation and brought school supplies for the children who were rescued from human trafficking and slavery. Thank you for letting us make a difference with you!
In this season of giving, we are giving back and making a difference to those whose livelihoods have been affected by Covid. The Fullerton team, led by Rey, purchased food and other necessities for about 100 families in his village.
Our team in Singapore did some major shopping and gifted our beneficiaries at the Children's Aid Society with food, stationery and other household necessities. A big thank you to all of you who have played a part in this!
Swept by severe flooding and landslides, millions of people in central Vietnam lost their homes, belongings and source of livelihood. Our colleagues at Fullerton Markets Vietnam donated goods, essentials and money via the Red Cross Society in Ho Chi Minh City, to provide relief to some of the worst-hit communities.
Our Malaysian team visited the children at Teratak Nur Barakah in Shah Alam on 6th October 2018, bringing with them food items, household necessities and much enthusiasm! More than just a place of shelter, the orphanage provides education and much-needed love and care to around 25 boys and girls it serves. Thank you to our young hosts for warmly welcoming us into their home and for letting us be their playmates for a day!