Copy trading 101

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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick of The Week “Stripes”

Today, we look at strategy provider “Stripes”. This strategy provider’s equity growth since inception is 1010.99% and has a total of 22,714.3 pips.

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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick Of The Week “Ongsoi”

Today we look at strategy provider “Growth gene”. This is a high-returns strategy provider with 14.47% average returns per month accompanied with a high 72% maximum drawdown.

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How to Open a CopyPip Account and Navigate the CopyPip Platform

CopyPip is Fullerton Markets' copy trading platform where strategy providers and followers can enjoy mutual benefits. The former earn performance fees on top of their trading profit, while the latter...

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Copy Tip of the Week – How much is the commission charged on CopyPip?

Copy trading is one of the easiest ways to start trading – simply follow, copy and start earning from our top traders. Fullerton Markets’ CopyPip is a powerful tool that allows you to copy trades...

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Copy Tip of the Week – How to Find Strategies Which Trade with a Fixed Stop Loss

Most of the time, a good trading strategy is one that follows its trading plan. This is why a trader who sets a stop loss is usually deemed as a trader with a plan as compared to traders who allow...

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