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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick of The Week “TheWinnerTakesAll”

Today, we evaluate a secure SP on our CopyPip platform. This SP has a max drawdown of only 12% and an average monthly return of 3.47%. Hence, I would qualify this SP as a low-risk SP.

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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick of The Week “Foxmart”

With an average per month return of 16.90% and a max drawdown of 55%, this SP is suitable for you if you are looking for some high-risk plays.

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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick of The Week “SWEET DREAM”

Today, we look at Strategy Provider “SWEET DREAM”. This Strategy Provider’s equity growth since inception is 349.87%, with a low max drawdown of 12%.

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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick of The Week “Stripes”

Today, we look at strategy provider “Stripes”. This strategy provider’s equity growth since inception is 1010.99% and has a total of 22,714.3 pips.

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Copy Tip of The Week - Top Pick of the Week "longterminvestment"

The top pick of the week is a strategy provider called “longterminvestment”. If you are looking for an extremely low-risk SP, they might just be the one.

Low max drawdown of 8% - checked

Worst trade...

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Copy Tip of the Week – Top Pick of the Week (Nov 8)

The top CopyPip Strategy Provider for the week is called “The Quincy.” There are a few reasons why I’ve chosen this provider to be our contender for this week:

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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick Of The Week “Ongsoi”

Today we look at strategy provider “Growth gene”. This is a high-returns strategy provider with 14.47% average returns per month accompanied with a high 72% maximum drawdown.

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Copy Tip of the Week – Review Top Pick “NEW 2000”

We are coming back to “NEW 2000”, one of the top strategy providers that we reviewed last year, December 2020.

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Copy Tip of the Week – Strategy Provid-er “SaveX”

Today we look at strategy provider “SaveX.” This strategy provider’s equity growth since inception is at 612.93%, with a total of more than 9,893 pips and 64.76 CP Rank.

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Copy Tip of the Week – Strategy Provider “Yellow Brick”

“Yellow Brick” is a strategy provider (SP) from UK who has been running for 2148 days with a growth of 139.57%. What drew my attention was his drawdown which is only 19%. We will recommend this SP...

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