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Australia Expected to Cut Rate Within 6 Months

Aussie has been selling off in every RBA easing cycle. If history repeats itself, short AUD/USD.

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Breaking News: Surge of Virus Cases in Australia Likely to Pressure Aussie

Australia posted its biggest one-day spike in coronavirus cases in two months, heightening concerns that the nation could go into its second lockdown, and possibly driving AUD/USD lower.

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Why do Risk Assets Ignore the Poor Economic Data?

As the Fed has made it clear that it was willing to step in to buoy the economy, why bet against the market when the central bank is willing to do that? It’s time to buy gold and stocks when massive...

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Breaking News: US Futures Climbed After Fed’s Commitment For Support & Better Earnings Report

With US interest rates to remain on hold until further notice, dollar could continue to weaken versus commodity currencies such as New Zealand dollar. Long NZD/USD?

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For the First Time in Decades – Fed’s QE Jitters Investors

Market sees no short-term solution to combat the virus, short USD/JPY at peak

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Aussie Dollar Becomes the Victim Due to Coronavirus

As uncertainties continue to weigh on global economy, short Aussie at rally.

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Could the Trade War be Trump’s Final Card?

Trump could be dragging the trade war until the 2020 US elections before withdrawing to boost vote numbers. Gold could potentially rise higher as risk-off sentiments continue to increase.

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Sneak Peek: ECB’s Odds of Rate Cut Rose to 48% after Disappointing PMIs

Despite the increase in the probability of a cut tonight, Draghi may change his forward guidance while keeping rates unchanged. EUR/USD may rise higher as market may start to price in Fed’s cut later...

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Euro May Rebound After German Data Improved

Eurozone outlook may not be as pessimistic as what current sentiment shows, long EUR/USD?

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US Jobs Report Scares Away the Dollar Bears

Improvement in US jobs report and trade negotiation gives traders the courage to buy stocks, long USD/JPY?

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