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Australia Expected to Cut Rate Within 6 Months

Aussie has been selling off in every RBA easing cycle. If history repeats itself, short AUD/USD.

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Copy Tip of the Week – Top Pick of the Week (Nov 8)

The top CopyPip Strategy Provider for the week is called “The Quincy.” There are a few reasons why I’ve chosen this provider to be our contender for this week:

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How to Trade Forex in a Slow Market (Low Volatility)

Most forex traders would have come across this phrase somewhere along their trading journey: “The trend is your friend, until it ends.” Many make the mistake of trading in all market conditions or...

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What Does Negative Interest Rate Mean?

To understand negative interest rates, we need to understand the mechanics of why central banks cut or raise interest rates.

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3 Steps to Mastery – Finding Excellence in Your Field

It’s easy to get insecure about how good we are at the things we do. Perhaps you’ve been in a situation where you thought you had found your calling or a passion, but you ended up submitting to...

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Mentorship: One Important Element of Success

You may have already read numerous accounts of how people achieve success in life. From cliché quotes to rags-to-riches narratives that share certain ‘success ingredients’, there seems to be a...

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Could the Trade War be Trump’s Final Card?

Trump could be dragging the trade war until the 2020 US elections before withdrawing to boost vote numbers. Gold could potentially rise higher as risk-off sentiments continue to increase.

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Copy Tip of the Week – How to Find Strategies Which Trade with a Fixed Stop Loss

Most of the time, a good trading strategy is one that follows its trading plan. This is why a trader who sets a stop loss is usually deemed as a trader with a plan as compared to traders who allow...

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Sneak Peek: ECB’s Odds of Rate Cut Rose to 48% after Disappointing PMIs

Despite the increase in the probability of a cut tonight, Draghi may change his forward guidance while keeping rates unchanged. EUR/USD may rise higher as market may start to price in Fed’s cut later...

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3 Ways to Fail Your Way to Success

We heard a rumour that there is a recipe for disaster. Ingredients that can produce an unfavuorable result if used by anyone. Most people – if not all – have made habits of them without even...

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